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This experience allowed me to develop financial skills and learn to become a wise consumer. In addition, we also set up a rota sheet where we take turns to measure the plants’ height and the number of pods. Every day, two of us would go to the soybean garden, along with a ruler and a tablet, to measure the heights of the pots. If we were to do that alone, it would take more than a recess time to complete the
measurements as we would have to switch between measuring with a ruler to inputting the data onto the data sheet constantly. However, doing it in pairs saved up a lot of time since one could do the measurement while the other input the data as instructed. Through this division of labour, I learnt to appreciate the importance and beauty of teamwork in scientific investigations.


We had to sacrifice part of our lunch hours to nurture the plants and it was distressing to see some of our plants die despite our best efforts. The biggest blow came when face-to-face teaching was suspended, so we knew that all our plants would wilt soon. My main takeaway from this project is that the outcome is not the most important, but the journey.


‘Unforgettable’ succinctly describes the CUHK Soybean Project. Although we did not bear the physical fruits of harvest, we reaped the fruits of wonder and friendship. I still remember the day when we handled rhizobia; disinfecting the table with alcohol and transferring the culture to a container. I still remember the day when we saw the shoot blooming from the soil brimming with life and vigour, and I recall the babyish leaves slowly unfurling into shades of deep green.


Not only by the fact that I am able to meet colleagues with similar interests, but I am also fascinated by the
growth and development of soybeans. Although the ultimate result might not reach our original goal, I
still believe that this is a great learning opportunity for all of us.





4A 王昭森






1. 大豆慢慢由淡綠色變成黃色,可能是因為土壤中缺乏一些礦物質。可以噴施微量元素 (鋅、鈣、鐵)。



4A 莊斐斐



把種子放進土壤後我們了解到 若要大豆有效生長便需要充足的陽光照射以進行光合作用 ,於是我們把大豆盆栽搬移到學校後院的平地。






4A 黃卓妍



在種植期間,我們因經驗不足,導致作物被害蟲侵食,所有葉子都充滿一個個破洞,於是我們便圍在一起尋找解決方法, 起初我們想到使用除蟲劑,效果來說除蟲劑無疑是最好的,但它對植物本身有著一定的影響,所以最終我們決定使用防蟲網。這次討論引發了我的反思,在幾個盆栽裏已引致這嚴重的害蟲問題,難以想像假若是在大農田裏又能否不使用除蟲劑呢?甚至會損失多少呢?而這樣農夫們的生計又會收到影響嗎?




4A 龔芷妮

Event Photos

Students preparing soil for soybean planting

(Photo Credit: De La Salle Secondary School, N.T.)

Students measuring the height of the plant

(Photo Credit: De La Salle Secondary School, N.T.)

Soybean seedlings arrive!

(Photo Credit: De La Salle Secondary School, N.T.)

Students observing the growth of soybean

(Photo Credit: De La Salle Secondary School, N.T.)

Students switching containers for soybean seedlings

(Photo Credit: De La Salle Secondary School, N.T.)

It's time to enjoy the sunbath!

(Photo Credit: De La Salle Secondary School, N.T.)

Students switching containers for soybean seedlings

(Photo Credit: De La Salle Secondary School, N.T.)

Vibrant soybean plants!

(Photo Credit: De La Salle Secondary School, N.T.)

Pests found! Precautions are imminent!

(Photo Credit: Shun Tak Fraternal Association Cheng Yu Tung Secondary School)

Nets are set, soybeans are safe from pests now

(Photo Credit: Shun Tak Fraternal Association Cheng Yu Tung Secondary School)

Students measuring the growth of soybean

(Photo Credit: De La Salle Secondary School, N.T.)

Students measuring the growth of soybean

(Photo Credit: Shun Tak Fraternal Association Cheng Yu Tung Secondary School)

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